DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider
DIVOC Slider

DIVOC Slider

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PLEASE NOTE!!! This item is hand finished and has a lead time of 7 to 10 business days from time of order to time of shipping! Please do not order if you do not agree to this wait time. 

The DIVOC slider is made to be used like a worry stone/coin.

Made from CuPro a naturally antimicrobial copper nickel alloy. Naval Brass and Grade 5 titanium. 

It’s mechanism utilizes 6 neodymium magnets for a strong tactile response and great fidget feel.

Measures 1” x 2” and has two separate pieces to make the slider. 

Machined using EDM to ensure that perfect fit and finish.


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